Saturday, January 15, 2011

Free speech at any cost?

We ask if US politicians and political pundits are fanning the flames of hatred.

Should free speech be allowed no matter what the cost or is there a line that cannot be crossed? 

Gabrielle Giffords, a Democratic congresswoman, was injured in a shooting, which left six others dead, at a political event in Arizona. Some are blaming radio and TV pundits for fanning the flames of hatred and politicians stand accused of polarising opinion and pushing people to extremes.

So, when does saying what you think become incitement to violence?

Inside Story discusses with guests: Kevin Keenan, an associate professor at the Department of Journalism and Mass Communication at the American University in Cairo; Andrew Langer, a Tea Party activist and president of the Institute for Liberty; and Brad Bannon, a Democratic strategist and president of Bannon Communications Research.

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